We chose to involve the members of Fotoclub de Zoeker in delivering photo’s of beautiful and ugly Enschede. We received 24 pictures of which Hans, Martin and Roald made a selection. We gave ourselves some time to think about these photos. Of course there was one criterium: The viewer should recognise Enschede. After sharing our thoughts we made a final selection.
In the ugly pictures there is garbage on the street, graffiti on a map and houses/shops in decay. In the beautiful pictures the viewer sees parts of Enschede’s cultural heritage and a bit of modernness which characterizes Enschede as well the last years.


  1. The map of Enschede, which should guide the visitor, is almost fully sprayed with graffity. It is hard to find your way.
  2. If your destiny is a place to deliver your waste in a good environmental way, maybe you should go for another option: look at all the garbage which is dumped by your fellow citizens just beside the containers. It’s a shame!
  3. Some time ago you could enjoy a fine dinner at Ninive’s in the Hogeland district. Nowadays, looking at the takeaway, you will think again before getting your meal there.
  4. Almost the same in another district of Enschede. The shop, which sold probably dish washers, washing machines etc., has come to a high degree of decay.
  5. The same with which once was a butchery on the street Pathmossingel.
  6. A house in disrepair, location: in the street Lipperkerkstraat, Oliemolensingel.
  7. Another example are industrial areas, with ugly “boxes” of some companies, here in the harbor area.
  8. Maybe the most remarkable is the statue of mother Maria, which should be much respected. But look, trash with two beer cans maybe shows the opposite. A portrayal of growing secularization in the Netherlands?
12 pictures UglyLelijk Enschede


  1. In the city centre de Oude Markt (the old market). The bustling heart of Enschede, where everyone meets each other. Not seen in this photo is de Grote Kerk (big church) at the same square in which many people of Enschede experienced a variety of life events.
  2. This church can be seen on the picture of a beautiful mural, taken on King’s Day.
  3. Speaking of churches: the catholic St. Jacobskerk has a beautiful architecture. The small windows around the tower gives a variety of lights effects inside. This church can’t be missed in this series.
  4. One district in Enschede is Pathmos, a beautiful cultural heritage with a typical building style of houses, meant for workers in the textile industry.
  5. There is another square in the city centre, called ‘Ei van Ko’ (egg of Ko, named after a former mayor), at which you can see the city hall. The photo is made at King’s Day, a day of joy with a lot of festivities, enjoyed by thousands of visitors.
  6. Enschede is developing, beautiful modern buildings are rising. Here an example of a conversion of a bank building to an apartment complex.
  7. Finally, the “greens”: Enschede has nine city parks and was several years ago proclaimed as Europe’s greenest city. The picture with the bridge is made in Enschede’s oldest park, the Volkspark.
  8. Another park is more and more surrounded by new buildings and a busy road. The monumental villa is still there in the green that is left. A place of rest in the heart of the city.
12 pictures BeautifulMooi Enschede

Source/contribution: Roald, Martin and Hans / Fc De Zoeker Enschede
The city of Enschede has collaborations with its sister cities Palo Alto in California
and Chinese city of Dalia.

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